FS2002 Lockheed, L-1049 Super-G, Constellation

Package and TWA Textures by Kevin Sparkuhl

Not affiliated with or endorsed by TWA or American Airlines. Not for commercial sale.

Mike Stone's fantastic new GMAX L-1049 Super-G Contelltion proudly painted in the colors
of TWA, Trans World Airlines, Circa 1959. Package includes the beautiful Connie panel by
Jan Visser and Hansjoerg Naegele, with Connie sounds by Hans-Peter Christeler. 32-Bit
reflective textures are hand drawn and correct font and logos used. Over 20 hours were
invested in the creation of this paint scheme! And if that sounds like a lot...

Much more effort went into the design and creation of the Model, Panel and Sounds. Please
feel free to write the various authors and thank them for all their efforts. I hope
you'll enjoy using this package as much as I will.

GMAX Model by Mike Stone...

Constellation Panel by Jan Visser and Hansjoerg Naegele...

Constellation Sounds by Hans-Peter Christeler...



Unzip Gauges zip into your FS2002\Gauges folder.

Cut and paste the smoke effects file, "fx_smoke_rx.fx" into your FS2002\effects folder.
Use keyboard "I" to turn the effect on and off.

Cut and paste the Constellation folder into your FS2002\aircraft folder.

That's it! Start FS and enjoy your new Connie.

****Please refer to the "Panel Readme" for additional highlights and information on using
your Constellation panel.


Courtesy of the Airline History Museum. http://www.airlinehistorymuseum.com

Please visit the fine people at the Airline History Museum, located at the Old Downtown
Kansas City Airport. There's lots of TWA memorabilia and three classic Prop-Liners,
including their centerpiece, the "Star of America", an L-1049 Super-G Constellation.


The files contained within this package are provided as freeware and may be used for the
personal enjoyment of flight simulator enthusiasts. Because these files have been provided
from several different sources, no files may be distributed without the original authors

The texture files are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.